10 BIGGEST YouTube DRAMA Stories

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! 10 BIGGEST YouTube DRAMA Stories The Truth. I'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertYouTube drama seems to be the most popular aspect of the website at the moment with actual channels basing themselves upon the arguments and controversy created on YouTube and twitter. One of which has over a million subscribers. So here are the 10 Biggest Drama Stories on YouTube Coinsidently to start of the countdown we have the controversial situation which began when YouTube's biggest internet news channelDramaAlert reported a false story accident;y calling out an innocent twitch streamer as a sex offender, and the aftermath left the man in tears. This caused a lot of hate directed towards the host of #dramaalert keemstar who later issued an apology video, and while many still haven't forgiven dramaalert. I personally have and still find their content very entertainingWhen Gradeaundera uploaded his video Everything That's Wrong With Youtube Part 2 video he accused the prank youtuber Joseph Castello of abusing the YouTube guidelines and being the worst channel on YouTube and after being invited to an interview on Dramaalert both Gradeaundera and Joseph castello argue about the issues the video caused, but GradeAUnderA completely destroys joseph and makes him look like an idiotIf you're involved in the YouTube community it is likely you have heard of the story involving bashurverse who was falsely clamied as being a peadophile. This caused bashur's channel to receive a huge amount of hate and subsequently made bashur lose a lot of revenue and eventually lead bashur to break down, he is currently on his way to fixing his channel after being left poor.Possibly the most covered story of Drama on YouTube lies in the situation between Nicole arbor and her YouTube famous boyfriend Matthew Santoro, the situation seemed to be that matthew was being abused by Nicole while they were both dating, apparently Nicole hit matthew santoro and threatened to kill herself and blame it on him, this situation was amplified seeing as Nicole Arbor was already hated for another video she had previously released.About 2 weeks ago a very controversial video was uploaded by H3H3productions calling out LeafyIsHere who is a very large YouTuber with over a million subscribers, this then caused a war between the two YouTubers which both lead both to lose Thousands of Subscribers and causing a feud between two of the most loved youtubers, the situation has died down now but at the time the story was huge on YouTube reddit and twitter McJuggerNuggets Sued #DramaAlert FaZe Rain - LegendaryLea "Kids with Cancer" #DramaAlert, Abused, april, tobey turner, rape, rape allegations, tobuscus, ameila talon, porn star, butt sex, aprilefff, twitter, pamela horton, ksi, melaine murphy, jackie turner, mom, tobey turner mom, max landis, grizzy,#DramaAlert, drama alert, keemstar, youtube news, pewdiepie, youtube drama, lionmaker, summer camp, ksi, pewdiepie fans, bro fist, streamer choking cat, drama, im sorry, sorry, #DramaAlert, drama alert, keemstar, youtube news, pewdiepie, youtube drama, lionmaker, summer camp, ksi, pewdiepie fans, bro fist, streamer choking cat, drama, im sorry, sorry, - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

10 BIGGEST YouTube DRAMA Stories The Truth. I'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertI'm Sorry PewDiePie Fans #DramaAlertYouTube drama seems to be the most popular aspect of the website at the moment with actual channels basing themselves upon the arguments and controversy created on YouTube and twitter. One of which has over a million subscribers. So here are the 10 Biggest Drama Stories on YouTube Coinsidently to start of the countdown we have the controversial situation which began when YouTube's biggest internet news channelDramaAlert reported a false story accident;y calling out an innocent twitch streamer as a sex offender, and the aftermath left the man in tears. This caused a lot of hate directed towards the host of #dramaalert keemstar who later issued an apology video, and while many still haven't forgiven dramaalert. I personally have and still find their content very entertainingWhen Gradeaundera uploaded his video Everything That's Wrong With Youtube Part 2 video he accused the prank youtuber Joseph Castello of abusing the YouTube guidelines and being the worst channel on YouTube and after being invited to an interview on Dramaalert both Gradeaundera and Joseph castello argue about the issues the video caused, but GradeAUnderA completely destroys joseph and makes him look like an idiotIf you're involved in the YouTube community it is likely you have heard of the story involving bashurverse who was falsely clamied as being a peadophile. This caused bashur's channel to receive a huge amount of hate and subsequently made bashur lose a lot of revenue and eventually lead bashur to break down, he is currently on his way to fixing his channel after being left poor.Possibly the most covered story of Drama on YouTube lies in the situation between Nicole arbor and her YouTube famous boyfriend Matthew Santoro, the situation seemed to be that matthew was being abused by Nicole while they were both dating, apparently Nicole hit matthew santoro and threatened to kill herself and blame it on him, this situation was amplified seeing as Nicole Arbor was already hated for another video she had previously released.About 2 weeks ago a very controversial video was uploaded by H3H3productions calling out LeafyIsHere who is a very large YouTuber with over a million subscribers, this then caused a war between the two YouTubers which both lead both to lose Thousands of Subscribers and causing a feud between two of the most loved youtubers, the situation has died down now but at the time the story was huge on YouTube reddit and twitter McJuggerNuggets Sued #DramaAlert FaZe Rain - LegendaryLea "Kids with Cancer" #DramaAlert, Abused, april, tobey turner, rape, rape allegations, tobuscus, ameila talon, porn star, butt sex, aprilefff, twitter, pamela horton, ksi, melaine murphy, jackie turner, mom, tobey turner mom, max landis, grizzy,#DramaAlert, drama alert, keemstar, youtube news, pewdiepie, youtube drama, lionmaker, summer camp, ksi, pewdiepie fans, bro fist, streamer choking cat, drama, im sorry, sorry, #DramaAlert, drama alert, keemstar, youtube news, pewdiepie, youtube drama, lionmaker, summer camp, ksi, pewdiepie fans, bro fist, streamer choking cat, drama, im sorry, sorry,

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