Brave 12-Year-Old Boy Stands Up To 11,000 Anti-Gay Protesters In Harrowing Image

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! A photo of a young boy attempting to stop thousands of anti-gay protestors in Celaya, Guanajuato has gone viral after he told local media he is tired of the hatred. Taken by photographer Manuel Rodriguez, it has been compared to other iconic pictures such as the famous "tank man" image from Tiananmen Square. In the picture, a 12-year-old boy stands with his arms out as a parade of protestors and cars comes toward him. The protest was arranged by the pro-family organization Frente Nacional Por La Familia. - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

A photo of a young boy attempting to stop thousands of anti-gay protestors in Celaya, Guanajuato has gone viral after he told local media he is tired of the hatred. Taken by photographer Manuel Rodriguez, it has been compared to other iconic pictures such as the famous "tank man" image from Tiananmen Square. In the picture, a 12-year-old boy stands with his arms out as a parade of protestors and cars comes toward him. The protest was arranged by the pro-family organization Frente Nacional Por La Familia.

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