Celia Short Film | Featuring Allison Janney & Dakota Fanning | WIGS

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! Subscribe to WIGS on YouTube today! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Explore the world behind WIGS on Pinterest: About "Celia":A doctor is forced into an uncomfortable decision when her patient turns out to be the daughter of an old friend.About WIGS:WIGS is a digital channel producing high-end, original, scripted dramatic series and short films about the lives of women.Be sure to catch new WIGS episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6am PT / 9am ET!Episode Credits:WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BYRodrigo GarciaAllison Janney as CeliaDakota Fanning as HannahPRODUCED BYEffie BrownEXECUTIVE PRODUCERSJon AvnetRodrigo GarciaJake AvnetCO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCERMarsha OglesbyDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYPaula HuidobroPRODUCTION DESIGNERTracey GallacherMUSIC BYJacob YoffeeMAIN AND END TITLE MUSIC BYThomas NewmanEDITED BYPattye RogersCASTING DIRECTORRick PaganoCOSTUME DESIGNERErnesto MartinezUNIT PRODUCTION MANAGERNicole Colombie1ST ASSISTANT DIRECTORLynn Struiksma2ND ASSISTANT DIRECTORKevin Berlandi PRODUCTION ASSISTANTSWesley ChaoSarah KaplanJake WangART DIRECTOR/SET DESIGNERKristyn IngleASSISTANT ART DIRECTORAleksandra LandsbergLEADMANTim StruartPROP MASTERSteve Ochoa SET DRESSERJoe Skiff1ST ASSISTANT CAMERAJustin GamboaDITKyle PetersGAFFERBill OttoKEY GRIPWyatt DennyKEY HAIR STYLISTRichard De AlbaKEY MAKEUPElena ArroyASSOCIATE PRODUCERRobert ShapiroASSISTANT EDITORLara RamirezSPANISH LANGUAGE POST PRODUCTION Daniel Eduvijes CarreraPOST PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Ed McCarthyPOST PRODUCTION INTERNEJ MerensteinSCRIPT SUPERVISORIngrid Urich-SassSOUND MIXERSteve WeiseBOOM OPERATORKeith BirchfielCOSTUME SUPERVISORSMichael R. ChapmanPRODUCTION ACCOUNTANTMarcia MatthewASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTRebekah StevensACCOUNTING CLERKKaren MarquezPRODUCTION COORDINATORCara BrownPRODUCT PLACEMENTJoy PhillipsPRODUCTION ASSISTANTSMark LyonsJonathan FungMatthew TeaguePRODUCTION ASSISTANT INTERNMegan ShawCATERINGAlex's Gourmet CateringCRAFT SERVICEAntonio "Speedy" MarcosASSISTANT TO JON AVNETKevin ChalkASSISTANT TO RODRIGO GARCIAKaren GraciASSISTANT TO EFFIE BROWNDavid CummingsCASTING ASSISTANTCassidy BoydPOST-PRODUCTION SERVICESPoint 360RE-RECORDING MIXERMitchell LindskoogCOLORISTMark NakaminePRODUCTION LEGAL BYVince Ravine LawWIGSCO LLC LEGALTara KoleGang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown, Inc.FOR WIGSCO:DIRECTOR OF MARKETINGSteve ShinSOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING MANAGERMegan HannayMARKETING COORDINATORCaitlin McGowenSENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERPatricia LindbergMOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNER Colin Arndt DEVELOPMENT COORDINATORSarah StoeckerFOR BROOKLYN FILMS:EVP, FINANCECarol ChacamatyFINANCE ASSISTANTKelly Hennessy INTERNSAlex AbrahamsMarlowe Griffin LyddonElaine OgdenKeyla Vasconcellos WIGS Logo Designed by Barbara Brody AvnetWIGS Productions are filmed under IATSE, WGA, DGA and SAG union contracts.This Motion Picture, Story, Screenplay, Original Score© 2012 WIGSCO, LLCAll material is protected by Copyright Laws of the United States and all countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America. WIGSCO, LLC is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws. Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution or copying of this film or any part thereof is an infringement of the relevant copyright and will subject the infringer to severe civil and criminal penalties.The story, all names, characters and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Subscribe to WIGS on YouTube today! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Explore the world behind WIGS on Pinterest: About "Celia":A doctor is forced into an uncomfortable decision when her patient turns out to be the daughter of an old friend.About WIGS:WIGS is a digital channel producing high-end, original, scripted dramatic series and short films about the lives of women.Be sure to catch new WIGS episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6am PT / 9am ET!Episode Credits:WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BYRodrigo GarciaAllison Janney as CeliaDakota Fanning as HannahPRODUCED BYEffie BrownEXECUTIVE PRODUCERSJon AvnetRodrigo GarciaJake AvnetCO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCERMarsha OglesbyDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYPaula HuidobroPRODUCTION DESIGNERTracey GallacherMUSIC BYJacob YoffeeMAIN AND END TITLE MUSIC BYThomas NewmanEDITED BYPattye RogersCASTING DIRECTORRick PaganoCOSTUME DESIGNERErnesto MartinezUNIT PRODUCTION MANAGERNicole Colombie1ST ASSISTANT DIRECTORLynn Struiksma2ND ASSISTANT DIRECTORKevin Berlandi PRODUCTION ASSISTANTSWesley ChaoSarah KaplanJake WangART DIRECTOR/SET DESIGNERKristyn IngleASSISTANT ART DIRECTORAleksandra LandsbergLEADMANTim StruartPROP MASTERSteve Ochoa SET DRESSERJoe Skiff1ST ASSISTANT CAMERAJustin GamboaDITKyle PetersGAFFERBill OttoKEY GRIPWyatt DennyKEY HAIR STYLISTRichard De AlbaKEY MAKEUPElena ArroyASSOCIATE PRODUCERRobert ShapiroASSISTANT EDITORLara RamirezSPANISH LANGUAGE POST PRODUCTION Daniel Eduvijes CarreraPOST PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Ed McCarthyPOST PRODUCTION INTERNEJ MerensteinSCRIPT SUPERVISORIngrid Urich-SassSOUND MIXERSteve WeiseBOOM OPERATORKeith BirchfielCOSTUME SUPERVISORSMichael R. ChapmanPRODUCTION ACCOUNTANTMarcia MatthewASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTRebekah StevensACCOUNTING CLERKKaren MarquezPRODUCTION COORDINATORCara BrownPRODUCT PLACEMENTJoy PhillipsPRODUCTION ASSISTANTSMark LyonsJonathan FungMatthew TeaguePRODUCTION ASSISTANT INTERNMegan ShawCATERINGAlex's Gourmet CateringCRAFT SERVICEAntonio "Speedy" MarcosASSISTANT TO JON AVNETKevin ChalkASSISTANT TO RODRIGO GARCIAKaren GraciASSISTANT TO EFFIE BROWNDavid CummingsCASTING ASSISTANTCassidy BoydPOST-PRODUCTION SERVICESPoint 360RE-RECORDING MIXERMitchell LindskoogCOLORISTMark NakaminePRODUCTION LEGAL BYVince Ravine LawWIGSCO LLC LEGALTara KoleGang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown, Inc.FOR WIGSCO:DIRECTOR OF MARKETINGSteve ShinSOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING MANAGERMegan HannayMARKETING COORDINATORCaitlin McGowenSENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERPatricia LindbergMOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNER Colin Arndt DEVELOPMENT COORDINATORSarah StoeckerFOR BROOKLYN FILMS:EVP, FINANCECarol ChacamatyFINANCE ASSISTANTKelly Hennessy INTERNSAlex AbrahamsMarlowe Griffin LyddonElaine OgdenKeyla Vasconcellos WIGS Logo Designed by Barbara Brody AvnetWIGS Productions are filmed under IATSE, WGA, DGA and SAG union contracts.This Motion Picture, Story, Screenplay, Original Score© 2012 WIGSCO, LLCAll material is protected by Copyright Laws of the United States and all countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America. WIGSCO, LLC is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws. Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution or copying of this film or any part thereof is an infringement of the relevant copyright and will subject the infringer to severe civil and criminal penalties.The story, all names, characters and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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