DotA - WoDotA Top10 Weekly Vol.91

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! Official Page Facebook Youtube Welcome our New Editor FreeZing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ATLAST !!!!Here is the WoDotA Top 10 Weekly Volume 91~!****************************************­***Between guys for any enquiries on our T-shirts/ pillows or become our international agent, please contact:-Name:- Dong Xiang WoDotA.Dx-Email:- [email protected]:- xxdongxiangxxOnce again WoDota would like to thank for u guys for watching our videos and please continue to support us! :)please like our official facebook fan page: For Submitting replays to WoDotA Top 10 Weekly:METHOD 1:-*Register an ID in our Forums :- *A new Topic for the Weekly Volume Replay Submission will be available there! plz read the rules and Post ur replays thereORMETHOD 2:-1. If you want to send your replays, send them in an email as attachments to [email protected] please notice that we changed the email address, this is different from the previous one, this is not a website so that you don\'t need to know any Chinese to send your replays.2. Please include the war3 version be specific and map version, a brief description of what happened at when tell me the replay time at the right bottom but not the game time at the right top in your email.[And include Your Country Name]3. Don't upload your replays to websites such as and tell me to download from there, otherwise your replays would be ignored.4. Read FAQ in my channel description before you want to ask any quesitions.Thank you :)Enjoy!!!!!!!! - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Official Page Facebook Youtube Welcome our New Editor FreeZing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ATLAST !!!!Here is the WoDotA Top 10 Weekly Volume 91~!****************************************­***Between guys for any enquiries on our T-shirts/ pillows or become our international agent, please contact:-Name:- Dong Xiang (WoDotA.Dx-)Email:- [email protected]:- xxdongxiangxxOnce again WoDota would like to thank for u guys for watching our videos and please continue to support us! :)please like our official facebook fan page: For Submitting replays to WoDotA Top 10 Weekly:METHOD 1:-*Register an ID in our Forums :- *A new Topic for the Weekly Volume Replay Submission will be available there! plz read the rules and Post ur replays thereORMETHOD 2:-1. If you want to send your replays, send them in an email as attachments to [email protected] (please notice that we changed the email address, this is different from the previous one, this is not a website so that you don't need to know any Chinese to send your replays).2. Please include the war3 version (be specific) and map version, a brief description of what happened at when (tell me the replay time at the right bottom but not the game time at the right top) in your email.[And include Your Country Name]3. Don't upload your replays to websites such as and tell me to download from there, otherwise your replays would be ignored.4. Read FAQ in my channel description before you want to ask any quesitions.Thank you :)Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Теги: dota, wodota, top, weekly, vol, dota wodota
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