FULL 007 MOVIE: The New Spy Against Divided Evil

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! When Miss Moneypenny Lois Maxwell and "M" Bernard Lee of MI6-SIS cannot stop a horrific, fiery aircraft crash instigated by an Unmanned Ground Vehicle UGV under remote control, they voluntold 007's physician brother Neil Connery to investigate the sexy femme fatale' Danielle Bianchi at the scene of the crash who is now following his patient linked to the criminals by memory download. Using hypnosis as a MK-ULTRA type weapon--as well as pre-2001 HAL lip-reading, the New Spy, Connery uncovers the evil--but fortunately divided--conspiracy group akin to the real-life Rockefeller vs. Rothschild Illuminati crime families---that has access to NATO submarines and a Deep Underground Military Base DUMB where it will send a HAARP-like pulse of energy throughout the world to stop all kinetic motion--unless a huge ransom is paid. The leaders of this S.P.E.C.T.R.E.--like secret society, #1 Anthony Dawson and #2 Adolfo Celi must first consolidate the material captured from the plane crash assassination to put their kinetic energy inhibitor machine into effect--as well as stop Connery--but one of them has plans to take-over the entire organization for himself and kill off all of its beautiful, sexy operatives. Connery races against both the clock and the evil plot to save a lovely woman--and the world.One look at today's headlines shows us that this all isn't Eurospy fun--its very much like the CIA-instigated "ISIS" al CIAduh v2.0 mayhem being foisted upon us right now for MILINDCOMP profits $$$ and NWO goals.Need More 007? New James Bond Trilogy! James Bond is REAL. - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

When Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) and "M" (Bernard Lee) of MI6-SIS cannot stop a horrific, fiery aircraft crash instigated by an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) under remote control, they voluntold 007's physician brother (Neil Connery) to investigate the sexy femme fatale' (Danielle Bianchi) at the scene of the crash who is now following his patient linked to the criminals by memory download. Using hypnosis as a MK-ULTRA type weapon--as well as pre-2001 HAL lip-reading, the New Spy, Connery uncovers the evil--but fortunately divided--conspiracy group akin to the real-life Rockefeller vs. Rothschild Illuminati crime families---that has access to NATO submarines and a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) where it will send a HAARP-like pulse of energy throughout the world to stop all kinetic motion--unless a huge ransom is paid. The leaders of this S.P.E.C.T.R.E.--like secret society, #1 (Anthony Dawson) and #2 (Adolfo Celi) must first consolidate the material captured from the plane crash assassination to put their kinetic energy inhibitor machine into effect--as well as stop Connery--but one of them has plans to take-over the entire organization for himself and kill off all of its beautiful, sexy operatives. Connery races against both the clock and the evil plot to save a lovely woman--and the world.One look at today's headlines shows us that this all isn't Eurospy fun--its very much like the CIA-instigated "ISIS" (al CIAduh v2.0) mayhem being foisted upon us right now for MILINDCOMP profits $$$ and NWO goals.Need More 007? New James Bond Trilogy! James Bond is REAL.

Теги: full, movie, the, new, spy, against
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