Full Show 7/15/16: Military Coup Underway in Turkey

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! Tonight’s Rumble discusses Trump’s pick of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, the release of the secret 28 pages of the 9/11 report, and how Congress won’t pass anything on Zika until after the summer. Thom gives updates on the military coup going on in Turkey and in tonight’s Conversations with Great Minds Thom talks gun control with former Brady Center Vice President Dennis Henigan, author of “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People: And Other Myths About Guns and Gun Control.”For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at thomhartmann.com - freespeech.org - and RT.com. You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at Hulu.com/THE BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter! - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Tonight’s Rumble discusses Trump’s pick of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, the release of the secret 28 pages of the 9/11 report, and how Congress won’t pass anything on Zika until after the summer. Thom gives updates on the military coup going on in Turkey and in tonight’s Conversations with Great Minds Thom talks gun control with former Brady Center Vice President Dennis Henigan, author of “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People: And Other Myths About Guns and Gun Control.”For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at thomhartmann.com - freespeech.org - and RT.com. You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at Hulu.com/THE BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

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