Hilarious Moment during class-THIS IS NOT FAKE!

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! For licensing/usage please contact: licensing at jukinmediadotcom -Description of Video Below-the guys in the video is a rapper/songwriter. You can check him out here --- This happened during a theatre lecture of ours at York University in Toronto. We're happy it could make some people laugh, it was a funny coincidence. We were in the middle of class and one thing to another no one really knew why they ended up laughing so much! WAIT FOR THE MOMENT 00:35ish seconds ! Hope you enjoy, laugh, haha we couldn't believe it. The original video was longer but decided to cut it down for the best part.Like, enjoy, share it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

For licensing/usage please contact: licensing at jukinmediadotcom -Description of Video Below-the guys in the video is a rapper/songwriter. You can check him out here --- This happened during a theatre lecture of ours at York University in Toronto. We're happy it could make some people laugh, it was a funny coincidence. We were in the middle of class and one thing to another no one really knew why they ended up laughing so much! WAIT FOR THE MOMENT 00:35ish seconds ! Hope you enjoy, laugh, haha we couldn't believe it. The original video was longer but decided to cut it down for the best part.Like, enjoy, share it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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