IAmSp00n Plays Burnout Paradise City - Part 1 - (Burnout Paradise City LP/Gameplay)

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! Let's get the show started! And by show I mean jaw dropping, eyegasmic, crashes in super fast cars. Yeah... that kind of show. A sexy one.Watch and learn how to drive like a bawss. In a video games based around destroying other vehicles of course.Want to join the Utensils?website: facebook: twitter: livestream: steam: gamefanshop: merchandise: Thanks for watching! - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Let's get the show started! And by show I mean jaw dropping, eyegasmic, crashes in super fast cars. Yeah... that kind of show. A sexy one.Watch and learn how to drive like a bawss. In a video games based around destroying other vehicles of course.Want to join the Utensils?website: facebook: twitter: livestream: steam: gamefanshop: merchandise: Thanks for watching!

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