клип к солдатам- песня "Юность в сапогах"

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! Music video for Russian TV serial "Soldaty" Soldiers 2004- . Russian regime of Vladimir Putin is trying to promote the idea of conscript service in the Russian Army for Russian youth, which has become pretty unpopular among Russian youth in the recent 15-20 years due to high level of crime and violence in Russian Army "dedovshchina". Also, it's one of the spheres of promotion of militarism in Russian society and rebirth of Russian military by Putinist regime. - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Music video for Russian TV serial "Soldaty" (Soldiers) (2004- ). Russian regime of Vladimir Putin is trying to promote the idea of conscript service in the Russian Army for Russian youth, which has become pretty unpopular among Russian youth in the recent 15-20 years due to high level of crime and violence in Russian Army ("dedovshchina"). Also, it's one of the spheres of promotion of militarism in Russian society and rebirth of Russian military by Putinist regime.

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