Spin the Bottle - (the lost episode!) | CampYATC

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте deadmansongs.ru! Holy Cow! Look what we found! A previously unseen version of "Spin the Bottle" from over 2 years ago! We had each group of students make a short film in their film making class and even though they all got the same script that\'s why they\'re all saying the same lines, in different short films of the same name -- because it was for a class each class brought something unique to the roles and to the film's "feel". Hope you enjoy! -- Summer Camp is coming again... Why aren't you here?! @campyatc Young Actors' Theatre Camp YATC is an overnight drama camp for students 8 - 18 years old, held multiple times throughout the year in California's Santa Cruz Mountains. No Canoes... Tons of Drama! - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Holy Cow! Look what we found! A previously unseen version of "Spin the Bottle" from over 2 years ago! We had each group of students make a short film in their film making class and even though they all got the same script (that's why they're all saying the same lines, in different short films of the same name -- because it was for a class) each class brought something unique to the roles and to the film's "feel". Hope you enjoy! -- Summer Camp is coming again... Why aren't you here?! @campyatc Young Actors' Theatre Camp (YATC) is an overnight drama camp for students 8 - 18 years old, held multiple times throughout the year in California's Santa Cruz Mountains. No Canoes... Tons of Drama!

Теги: spin, the, bottle, lost, episode, campyatc
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