Make Your Own Sourdough Starter Day 14 Let's Bake Bread! (4)

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! This video, Make Your Own Sourdough Starter - Day 14 Let's Bake! is part of the video playlist: How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter. It will take you day by day through making your own sourdough starter. This video shows how to bake your first loaf of bread from your new sourdough starter. You will see why you shouldn't give up and throw out your new starter if it looks dead by day five or six. You will learn how to feed a starter and what to expect each day for the first 14 days. There is an option to make a white flour sourdough starter, a whole wheat starter or a hybrid starter using both white flour and whole wheat flour. At the end of the series, we will bake bread with our new sourdough starter using a simple formula and step by step instructions. Come on and join in the sourdough fun! If you like my videos, please hit the thumbs up button as that lets me know you want more. See links below for more sourdough baking resources.I have a new book on Amazon called "How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter" here: There is a special right now, if you purchase the sourdough starter book on Amazon and leave a review, you can email me see my email address in the book for a free copy of the formula "40 Hour Sourdough," which is a 4.00 value, so essentially you are getting the sourdough starter book for free by leaving a review. Thank you! More information on sourdough and where to find me: Subscribe to my channel to keep updated: My four volume book with LOTS of formulas , "Discovering Sourdough" is here: Find recipes and techniques at: A great place to view lots of bread porn is here: Find me on Facebook here: Twitter: To find LOTS more formulas/recipes visit my blog at: /dis...Visit my Pinterest: Happy Baking! TeresaSecret Coupon code: - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

This video, Make Your Own Sourdough Starter - Day 14 Let's Bake! is part of the video playlist: How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter. It will take you day by day through making your own sourdough starter. This video shows how to bake your first loaf of bread from your new sourdough starter. You will see why you shouldn't give up and throw out your new starter if it looks dead by day five or six. You will learn how to feed a starter and what to expect each day for the first 14 days. There is an option to make a white flour sourdough starter, a whole wheat starter or a hybrid starter using both white flour and whole wheat flour. At the end of the series, we will bake bread with our new sourdough starter using a simple formula and step by step instructions. Come on and join in the sourdough fun! If you like my videos, please hit the thumbs up button as that lets me know you want more. See links below for more sourdough baking resources.I have a new book on Amazon called "How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter" here: There is a special right now, if you purchase the sourdough starter book on Amazon and leave a review, you can email me (see my email address in the book) for a free copy of the formula "40 Hour Sourdough," which is a 4.00 value, so essentially you are getting the sourdough starter book for free by leaving a review. Thank you! More information on sourdough and where to find me: Subscribe to my channel to keep updated: My four volume book (with LOTS of formulas ), "Discovering Sourdough" is here: Find recipes and techniques at: A great place to view lots of bread porn is here: Find me on Facebook here: Twitter: To find LOTS more formulas/recipes visit my blog at: /dis...Visit my Pinterest: Happy Baking! TeresaSecret Coupon code:

Теги: make, your, own, sourdough, starter, day
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