SACH | 1989 | Full Movie | HD

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! Boldest Movie of the 80s. Raj has found a sympathiser in Hansa Paranjpe, who is married and living with a womanising husband. Together these two have an affair. When a murder is committed, Raj is subpoened to appear in court and testify as to his whereabouts. Raj knows that if he testifies truthfully, their affair will come to light, and Hansa's name will be stigmatized forever. Raj has a choice, either tell the truth, or be imprisoned for contempt of court. - с лучшим качеством и звучанием!

Boldest Movie of the 80s. Raj has found a sympathiser in Hansa Paranjpe, who is married and living with a womanising husband. Together these two have an affair. When a murder is committed, Raj is subpoened to appear in court and testify as to his whereabouts. Raj knows that if he testifies truthfully, their affair will come to light, and Hansa's name will be stigmatized forever. Raj has a choice, either tell the truth, or be imprisoned for contempt of court.

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